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Boseong Greenville Pension 쿠폰 - 선착순 할인코드・특가 프로모션

트립닷컴 호텔 쿠폰! 신규고객 최대 8프로 할인🎉🔥

호텔 할인코드 사용방법 Boseong Greenville Pension 쿠폰

트립닷컴에서는 모든 호텔에 사용이 가능한 최대 8% 호텔 쿠폰을 제공합니다. 해당 쿠폰으로 훌륭한 호텔을 더욱 더 저렴한 가격에 즐겨보세요. 사용방법도 간단합니다! 호텔을 예약하고 결제 직전 할인 코드를 입력하세요. 트립 닷컴에서 예약 가능한 모든 호텔은 예약시 프로모션 코드로 할인 혜택을 받을 수 있습니다. 지금 코드를 이용해 더욱 저렴하게 호텔을 특가로 즐겨보세요.

지금부터 12월 31일까지 트립닷컴 앱을 다운로드 받고 회원가입하면 최대 8%의 할인 혜택을 누릴 수 있습니다.

[위클리 떠나세일] 연말 호캉스 크리스마스 시즌 특가

호텔 특가 세일 Boseong Greenville Pension 쿠폰

연말을 맞이하여 온수풀 호캉스가 크리스마스 시즌 특가로 예약 가능합니다.

트립닷컴 신규회원이면 호텔 첫 예약 시 추가로 최대 12,000원 할인을 받을 수 있습니다!

미리 호텔을 예약하고 겨울 여행을 준비하세요!


📅 프로모션 기간 : 24년 12월 16일 ~ 12월 29일

🏤 숙박기간 : ~ 25년 3월 31일

라스트미닛 호캉스 특가

라스트미닛 호캉스 특가 Boseong Greenville Pension 쿠폰

서울, 제주, 부산, 강원, 인천, 경기, 전라, 경상, 대구 등 지금 바로 국내 여행을 떠나고 싶다면 트립닷컴 당일 호텔 특가로 예약을 해보세요!

라스트미닛 딜로 저렴하게 여행을 다녀올 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 보다 쉬운 예약이 가능합니다.

예약 가능한 숙소를 한눈에 확인할 수 있습니다.

자주 묻는 질문

  • 할인 코드는 어떻게 받을 수 있나요?

    할인코드를 받으려면, 할인코드를 복사하면 됩니다.

  • 할인코드는 어떻게 사용하나요?

    할인코드를 복사한 후 예약 페이지 하단의 할인코드 항목에 붙여 넣으세요. 그러면, 할인이 자동으로 적용되고 할인 금액이 표시됩니다.

  • 쿠폰과 특가 프로모션 할인을 동시에 적용할 수 있나요?

    네, 다만 예약당 쿠폰은 하나만 적용할 수 있습니다.

  • 어떤 호텔에 할인코드를 사용할 수 있나요??

    립닷컴 웹사이트에 표시된 이용 가능한 호텔을 예약할 때 할인코드를 사용할 수 있습니다.

객실 특가 및 프로모션

국화 룸 Boseong Greenville Pension 쿠폰
국화 룸
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호텔 리뷰(검증된 리뷰 1개)
Trip Boseong Greenville Pension 쿠폰
검증된 리뷰
위치 - 훌륭함
Boseong Greenville Pension 쿠폰
0% 추천
리뷰어 Boseong Greenville Pension 쿠폰
Boseong Greenville Pension 쿠폰
Boseong Greenville Pension 쿠폰
Boseong Greenville Pension 쿠폰
투숙일: 2022-08-01 00:00:00
Boseong Greenville Pension 쿠폰
Boseong Greenville Pension 쿠폰
1리뷰 개
작성일: 2022-08-05 16:53:30
This is potentially one of the bleakest accommodations I've stayed in....and I stayed in a place where I was kept up all night by the rats in the walls I don't believe this is even a real building meant to be occupied by humans. It felt like a ******* house built for a movie set that was meant to be torn down after filming, but instead they were like, nah let's do the bare minimum and turn it into a VERY overpriced "pension". When I rocked up, the place seemed abandoned and dusty. I was literally thinking that I got completely bamboozled because there wasn't a soul around. Eventually, a lady who I assumed to be the host came out of the woodwork from SOMEWHERE, even after staying there I have no idea from where. I didn't see a lobby or office to check-in at anywhere. It was really hard to communicate with her, although to be fair, that's more on me for not knowing Korean. (Although I have stayed in other places in korea where it was not nearly as difficult....she didn't even seem to know that I was a guest there.) Eventually I managed to get across that I knew I was early for check-in, I just wanted to leave my big bags there, which she was kind enough to let me do. I went off to the tea fields & hoped that by the time I came back, the place wouldn't look as bad as my first impressions of it. Uhhhhhhhhh....not the case. When I arrived later, clutching my instant noodles to my chest as it was my only food source available to me (the place really is in the middle of nowhere), I was even more sorely disappointed. There was a lot of wear and tear on the room, to put it kindly. The bathroom looked like no one had used it since the 1950s...I'm still not sure what the spots were on the ceiling. There were random nicks, holes, and spots on the walls, counters and furniture, including what looked like a larvae of some sort. Cute! The bed was okay, but the pillows looked and smelled like they were stolen from a (real) hotel. There was only one very thin blanket (to match the walls!) The appliances included a rice cooker (???) and a microwave that DIDNT WORK when I plugged it into the outlet that was coming loose from the wall, much to my chagrin as I hadn't eaten DINNER. There was also no kettle...I don't think I've ever stayed in an accommodation in Asia that didn't have a kettle. There WAS a hot plate.....but there were no pots or pans to be seen. The lord only knows if it worked anyways. At this point I was a bit like, okay peanuts for dinner and then get to bed right away so I could get out as quickly as possible. WELL, to fit my theory that this isn't a building meant to actually be occupied, the walls are EXTREMELY thin, and all of the occupants were having a rager until about 1am. Every time something closed the door, it felt like the whole building was going to collapse. It was within walking distance to the tea fields, so that was a plus. Would I stay here again for that reason? Absolutely not. If you do stay here, but sure to bring food that doesn't need to be cooked in anyway, or have a car so you can drive into the city.
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Boseong Greenville Pension위치

보성군 다향아트밸리
보성녹차밭 대한다원
Tea Plantation
Boseong Greenville Pension 쿠폰