골프와 휴가를 겸하러 Wyndham Grand KN Paradise Cam Ranh에 머물렀습니다. 일단 날씨가 26도 내외로 바닷바람이 적절히 불어서 그늘에 있으면 시원했구요 호텔 컨디션이 상당히 좋았습니다. 3~4방이 1개 수영장을 같이 쓰는데 번잡함이 없고, 호텔 메인 수영장과 바닷가 수영장도 넓어서 충분히 여유있게 사용 가능합니다. 아침 조식은 여느 5성급 호텔에 비해서도 좋은 편입니다. Staff들도 친철하고 웃으며 대응해 주었는데 특히 예약을 담당했던 ThuanLe(Nick name is Bearlee)가 예약뿐만 아니라 이후 생활에 필요한 내용까지 살뜰히 챙겨주어서 고마웠습니다. 제가 예약 일정 등을 몇번 수정 하였는데도 친절히 응대해 주었고, 선호하는 상황을 이야기 하였더니 그 부분에 대해서도 최선을 다해 주었습니다. 영어도 능통하구요. 겨울마다 나트랑에 간다면 반드시 Kn Links를 들를 예정입니다. I stayed at Wyndham Grand KN Paradise Cam Ranh for both golf and vacation. First of all, the weather was around 26 degrees, and the sea breeze blews properly, so it was pleasantly cool under the shade. Hotel conditions were quite good. 3-4 rooms share 1 pool, so it's not busy and beautiful. In addition, the hotel's main pool and beach pool are spacious. Breakfast is better than any other five-star hotel. Staffs were very kind and responded with a smile In particular, I was grateful for Mr. Thuan Le (Nick name is Bearlee), who was in charge of the reservation. He not only took care of the reservation but also reponded to every details that I needed during my stay. Even though I made several changes to my reservation schedule, he responded kindly, and when I talked about my preferred situation, he did his best in that regard as well. His English is also fluent. If I go to Nha Trang next winter, I will definitely stay in Kn Links.
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