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깐탕 호텔 후기

말리 코 크라단
4.2/558개의 리뷰
Отель находится на замечательном острове Крадан. Сюда привозят много людей на экскурсии на риф, который доступен с пляжа. Т.е. прибыв сюда, вы можете проводить на рифе столько времени, сколько захотите и вам не нужно платить за экскурсию. Риф у острова очень живой с большим разнообразием корралов. Рыбок тоже хватает, но крупных особей мы не видели. Места для снорка огорожены буйками, в эту зону лодки не заплывают и плавать там безопасно. Вода прозрачная как слеза, но в мае было много планктона, который ухудшал видимость в воде, а при купании на пляже очень кусался. Медузу здесь видели всего 1 раз. Для купания на острове критичны отливы-приливы. Пляж тут с отличным чистым песком, но только при высокой воде. Сам остров достаточно дорогой и это нужно понимать, оценивая отели. Этот отель имеет очень много вариантов размещения, от относительно дешёвых, до дорогих. Все отели Крадана располагаются на этой стороне острова, Мали ресорт самый последний от пирса. Т.е. тут меньше всего пришлого народу. С другой стороны, до пирса идти почти километр по пляжу (некоторые отели закрывают проход через свою территорию). С пирса в отель бесплатно забирает небольшая современная резиновая лодка, на её борту название отеля. Было бы неплохо, если бы отель присылал приветственное письмо, где объяснял этот момент. Не зная этого, мы уже собирались идти пешком, потому что не увидели никого, кто бы нас встречал (о времени приезда мы сообщили заранее). Хорошо, что какой-то человек спросил нас, в какой мы отель приехали и начал кого-то звать. Он позвал сотрудника, который был в форме с названием нашего отеля и тот показал нам свою лодку. Спидботы на остров с других мест приходят раз в день, в 10:30-11:30часов в зависимости откуда, с Пхукета / Ланты или с Лангкави / Ко Липе. Основная масса гостей острова приезжает именно этим транспортом, поэтому не совсем понятна политика отелей острова по заселению аж с 14ч! В данном отеле так же. Но возле ресепшена есть туалет и душевая, можно переодеться и пользоваться пляжной инфраструктурой отеля. Лежаков много, стоят по всей пляжной полосе отеля. Отель бесплатно предоставляет маски, трубки, ласты, каяки и сапдоски. Территория отеля длинная, в основном тенистая, есть куда спрятаться от солнца и на пляже. Номер мы бронировали самый дешёвый, он самый дальний от ресепшена, но на границе с соседним отелем, где хвалят ресторан (он, к сожалению, не работал). Номер не тесный, в небольшом корпусе из 3х номеров. Его достоинством является большая крытая веранда, которая хорошо защищает от солнца и дождя. В номере есть все необходимое - тихий кондиционер, телевизор, холодильник, чайник, фен. Душевая просторная, но температура воды регулировалась плохо, вода была либо прохладная либо слишком горячая, настроить мы её так и не смогли. Имеется проблема со смывом с унитаза, видимо в канализации есть проблемы и вода не всегда уходит хорошо. Однажды я почувствовала в номере запах затхлости и плесени, комнату нужно проветривать, чтобы он ушёл. Комаров было немного, но средства от них все же желательны. Исходя из отзывов я ожидала худшего, номер очень даже неплох и недостатки не столь критичны. Завтрак достаточно скромный, готовых блюд почти нет, можно заказать яичницу-омлет с тем, что нравится. Мясная нарезка. Фрукты в достатке, свежих овощей нет. Ресторан в отеле дороговат по местным меркам, ходили в другие отели.
더 리프 리조트
4.6/523개의 리뷰
리프 리조트의 성공은 볼 수 없는 것 때문입니다! 객실에는 다른 사람들이 없는 시설이 있을 뿐만 아니라 주전자, 에어컨, 냉장고 등이 있습니다. , 그들은 크라단 최고의 태국 음식과 관리를 가지고 있습니다 ... 하루 종일 손님과 완전히 상호 작용하는 이탈리아 Genta와 현지 Jack ... 모든 필요를 충족시키기 위해 작은 제스처, 재미, 농담, 다른 손님과 함께 바 주변에서 게임을 하고 며칠 동안 여기에 왔을 때 직원들은 당신을 개인적으로 알고 상호 작용하게 됩니다... 친구와 가족과 함께 휴가를 보내는 것과 같습니다!
더 세븐시 리조트 코 크라단
4.1/550개의 리뷰
While we had a nice stay at Sevenseas Resort, I have to say that I was a bit disappointed. This is in my view not in any way a 4 star resort - and not value for money when considering the price! I stayed 3 nights with 2 friends. The hotel is quite worn and could definitely need an update. The third bed in our the room was a mattress on the floor, and when we arrived there was no mosquito net covering this bed. This was however fixed on the second day after we alerted the reception. However, the interior of the room was simply not convenient in any way. It was mostly made up by a huge king size bed (very comfortable), but there was no place put any stuff or your suitcase. The outdoor bathroom was almost the same size as the room, and here was put the wardrobe, but really, in such a humid heat, we had no wish to put our clothing out in the humid bathroom. So really not a smart design of the rooms. We heard that the beachside villas are nicer and more updated. The area of the hotel is indeed nice, right on the beautiful beach, you have an option to rent snorkeling equipment or kayaks/SUPs, and with plenty of sunbeds to lounge on. The restaurant was so-so, food was ok, but nothing special I'm afraid, and we ended up having our meals in restaurants in other resorts on the island. Lastly, while the staff were all very friendly, smiling and accommodating, the service level was quite off, it's like there was missing some efficiency and management, as if each staff had his or her task, and they would never stray away from that. So for example, there could be dirty and empty dishes sitting on tables in the restaurant for extremely long, because the two waiters who were just standing looking at their phones clearly were not tasked with cleaning up tables, and the guy who did that was not there... And in the morning, there was one filter coffee machine, extremely slow, for all those guests... So overall, while a nice hotel and beautiful surroundings, I was disappointed and would not call this a 4 star hotel.
꼬 묵 시왈라이 비치 리조트
4.7/548개의 리뷰
This is a split review. The hotel is every bit as spectacular as it looks in the pictures. It’s built on what appears to be a giant sandbar coming out of the east coast of the island and is beautifully laid out with the restaurant at the tip to make breakfast and dinner a visual experience. The rooms are great and like most others suggest I would pay up for the beachfront so you can get the best of nature and especially sitting outside for the slow sun rise if you’re an early bird like me. The hotel is located perfectly - a 2 minute walk from the village. Thereafter everything becomes a bit difficult and it’s like the hotel is battling to take away from you what it has given with the surroundings. The shower is barely more than a trickle and is annoying because you need 3 or 4 per day with the heat and sand. The breakfast is awful - too spicy, covered in flies, overcooked or soggy and old. Note though that the evening restaurant is excellent. They charge to use their bikes and kayaks. Don’t do that Silvalai, it’s cheap. There’s not enough water in the room so you are compelled to buy the premium brands. They have 3 shops but I’ve never seen any of them open. The pools are lined with plastic not tiles. There’s quite a lot of rubbish lying around on the pier-side walk to the village. Koh Mook is a great place to spend 3 or 4 days and if you do come Silvalai is the best option, and I enjoyed it, but they are several tweaks away from being a top resort in my opinion.
꼬 묵 리비에라 비치 리조트
3.4/536개의 리뷰
Very outdated resort and needs a complete upgrade. The location makes up for all their problems as it is right on a long stretch of beach and the bungalow we booked was very spacious with views over the ocean. Air-conditioner worked but sounded like a tractor, the shower head is ancient and hardly works, the wheels fell off the bed when we moved it slightly. The sewerage outlet pipe runs straight into the property which is very unhygienic.too many issues to mention. Breakfast was not worth eating either so before you book if it's only for price then that may be fine but if you are looking for a clean updated place this is not for you. On the plus side the ”customer relations” person and other staff are very kind and helpful.
무키즈 방갈로
4.4/517개의 리뷰
Only a short walk from Mookies to Farang Beach, a truly tropical paradise....The bungalows at Mookies were excellent, clean and very comfortable beds. The fridge is a very nice touch. The food was quick and fast and very tasty. Of course you have other restaurants nearby if you can possibly tire of Wan and her crews offering. Nick her husband was always ready to give some advice and have a good story to share. All in all, good prices for both bungalows and food and drink.

FAQ (자주하는질문)

  • 깐탕에서 인터넷 시설을 갖춘 인기 호텔은 어디인가요?

    더 세븐시 리조트 코 크라단 , 꼬 묵 리비에라 비치 리조트꼬 묵 시왈라이 비치 리조트 등 호텔은 출장객과 휴가 여행객 모두가 선호하는 호텔입니다.

  • 깐탕에서 인터넷 시설을 갖춘 호텔의 평균 요금은 얼마인가요?

    깐탕에서 인터넷 시설을 갖춘 호텔의 주중 평균 요금은 124,124원이며, 주말(금요일~토요일) 평균 요금은 124,092원입니다.

  • 깐탕에서 인터넷 시설을 갖춘 반려동물 동반 가능 호텔은 어디인가요?

    반려동물 동반이 가능한 곳은 꼬 묵 리비에라 비치 리조트코 묵 데 타라입니다. 숙박 기간에 반려동물과 함께 머물 수 있습니다!

  • 인터넷 시설을 갖춘 깐탕 호텔 예약에 적용 가능한 프로모션은 어떤 것이 있나요?

    트립닷컴은 일년 내내 회원을 위한 다양한 프로모션과 할인을 제공합니다. 프로모션 페이지에서 다양한 트립닷컴 특가 상품을 살펴보세요.

호텔 기본 정보

호텔 수81개
리뷰 수509개
요금 (높은 순)625,860원
요금 (낮은 순)25,476원
평균 요금(주중)124,124원
평균 요금(주말)124,092원