Soosanna Bianka CHOE
2025년 1월 25일
너무 괜찮은 위치에 너무 좋은 가격이라 혹시 이거 사기 아니야? 하고 좀 쫄렸는데 ㅋㅋ 너무 좋았습니다
호캉스 하는 그런 시설은 아니지만 그냥 그럭저럭 있을 거 있으면 되는 가성비 여행자들에게 최고.
수건도 매번 교체해주셨고 청소도 매우 깔끔했습니다.
외뀪여는몼하씸니다 햐찌만!!! 가껶때비 위취가 썁 쌰기예요 !! 쌩꺆한거 뵤땨 너뮤죻앗윰.../// ...
It was located in good location and cheap so that i was hesitated to reserve(concern about the hotel is fake) but it was so nice.
It's not that kinda hotel to go staycation
but i would recommand to travelers who travel shanghai with less money.
Everyday housekeeper changed our towels, and housekeeping was good.
From West Nanjing-Road station to hotel it just take 5min. (actually my walking speed is not that slow, but anyway.)
It was so great experience.