I purchase the accommodation via dm88.shop. dm88.shop did not use my email address or telephone number with my booking with the supplier. The access code to the front door of Destiny Scotland Apartments at Nelson Mandela Place is the last 4 numbers of the provided telephone number as a result my wife and I were locked out on a bitterly cold and wet Glasgow evening. After using the intercom, for assistance, the CSO refused to entry because my security details, email and telephone number, did not match. Luckily my friend was also staying at the same apartment and we used her access code to enter the lobby and get out of the freezing weather. The next morning, I rang Destiny Scotland Apartments to discuss last nights debacle, but Nima, the customer service manager was unsympathetic, dismissive, arrogant and rude. It was obvious by the conversation that this was not the first time that this had happened as she asked if I had used a third party travel agent and that I should have booked directly with them. I raised that, given the multiple incidences, that Destiny Scotland should email their resellers to confirm the correct procedures, Nima huffed back, that they have thousands of resellers and that it was my responsibility. I also mentioned that it was a multi storey building and that there were no lifts and that this should be mentioned in there listing as my friend is a 86 year old grandmother who had to unpack her overnight bag and carry the contents up in multiple smaller loads. Nima snapped back saying that is was an old building and lifts were not an expectation. This is 2023 and I have been to many old buildings with multiple lifts. The lack of empathy and wiliness to assist and blaming the customer is not on. While paying my way through university at a 5 star international hotel, my supervisor told me that the job description was in the name Hospitality and to be above all else HOSPITABLE. There are better options elsewhere.
14개의 리뷰