1. They write no local identity card is allowed or no couple is allowed if not married, but most of the couples come here for just two-three hours, specially on weekends, and they are all local
2. I booked a room with breakfast, but they didn't provide that, when i asked, they said the cook ran away
3. On days when there are a very small number of guests, they switch off the power from the main switch to save their electricity bill and when you ask them what happened they will say power cut. Now the catch is, in front of me 5 new guests came and they immediately switched on the power. Their servants are oria, they speak in oria, but they didn't know that i can read, write and speak oria, so i understood the real story. Also there is no power back up, no generator, if actually the power cut happens in real life, no one can save you. 4. They don't provide filtered water, the taste of filter water is something which you will be able to recognise, but they provide normal water in mineral water tank, when you ask them that why yesterday's water and today's water tastes different, they will say this is what is available. 5. The good thing about the hotel is, it's close to airport as well as hi-tech city where the corporate offices are located, khajaguda location is mind blowing, beautiful rocky hilli area with peace
6. The best thing about this is, make my trip gives some superb mind blowing discount on this hotel which will eventually make you happy
13개의 리뷰