지하철 명동역10번 출구에서 명동쪽으로 빠른걸음으로 5분거리..5층에서 7층까지가 숙소..5층에 프론트, 낮과밤에 근무하시는분들은 서로 달랐고 중국어를 약간 할줄 아셨고, 위생원 분들은 필리핀직원이었습니다. 나름 잘 정리되고 단순한 가로세로 서방3미터 정도의 작은 방에 더블침댜(라텍스), 화장대겸 책상, TV와 스크린화면과 프로젝트 단 넷플릭스 회원이 아니면 볼수 없어서 애석했고, 방과 방간의 소음은 안들리는데 방문밑이 떠서 휴게실에서 하는 게스트들 목소리는 다 들립디다 조금 아쉬움. 수압이 세서 샤워는 뜨거운 물로 시원하게 했는데, 비누가 없어서 좀 그랬다. 아침 제공은 달달한 시리얼과 우유, 몇가지 쥬스 정도였다. 배부르게 먹을수는 없었어요. 다만 명동밤거리를 보고 돌아오기 편한 짧은거리의 숙소라 좋았습니다. 프론트에서 체크인전에 짐을 미리 맡아주셔서 고마웠습니다. 밤에 잘때도 주위소음이 하나도 들리지 않아서 잠도 푹 잘수 있었어요. 번창하세요. 다음에 또 갈게요. 서울에만도 OYO Hostel이 5군데나 있다던데, 다음에는 다른 곳도 가보려구요.. It is 5 minutes away from exit 10 of Myeongdong Station by a quick step toward Myeongdong..The 5th to 7th floors are in the dorms..The front desk on the 5th floor, the people who worked day and night were different, they could speak a little Chinese, and the sanitation workers were Filipino employees. It was a pity that I would not be able to watch it unless I was a member of Netflix, including a double needle (Latex), a dressing table and desk, TV and screen screens, and a project in a small room about three meters long and simple, and I couldn't hear the noise between the room and the room, but I could hear all the voices of the guests in the lounge because the room was under the door. The water pressure was strong, so I took a shower coolly with hot water, but it was kind of bad because there was no soap. Breakfast was served with sweet cereal, milk, and a few juices. I couldn't eat it fully. However, it was good because it was a short-distance accommodation that was easy to come back from the Myeong-dong night street. Thank you for checking in at the front desk. Even when I slept at night, I couldn't hear any noise around me, so I could sleep well sleep. I hope your business thrives. I'll be back next time. I heard there are 5 OYO Hostels in Seoul alone, but I'm going to go somewhere else next time.
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